Thursday, May 22, 2008

Elijah helps at the Mickey Mouse Magic Show

When we were at the Mickey Mouse Magic show Elijah was pulled up on to stage. He was asked to help with a magic trick. The guy gave him a sheet of paper and told him to tear it, but as soon as Elijah tore it he said be sure not to tear it all the way. Elijah had a very confused face. Then he told Elijah to tear the sheet into many little pieces and ball it up into a tight ball. All the while the guy was doing this to his own sheet of paper and pretending not to pay attention to how Elijah was doing it. Then the guy said now lets open our hands up. When the guy opened his up it was a hat and he put it on Elijah's head. When Elijah opened his hands up it was just bits of paper. The guy said now put the hat on my head. So Elijah put one piece of paper on his head. The guy laughed and said well maybe I sould make my directions clearer. Elijah loved it he was so proud of himself for getting up there. We were really proud of him too.

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